Florentina Lam-Clark Yoga & Ayurveda

Ayurveda & Yoga Wellbeing
Workshops 2025
Ayurveda & Yoga Workshop
"Raise Your Ojas"
A workshop to build foundational and sustaining wellbeing
Sunday 23rd February 2025 Yogahome, 3.00pm-5.30pm
Ayurveda & Yoga Workshop
Raise Your Ojas
Sunday 23rd February 2025
At Yogahome 3.00pm -5.30pm

A workshop to bring you more light, vigour & joy!
Do you feel stressed and faitgued? Feel like you’ve lost your mojo? Would you like to feel energised and nourished in ways that restore your nervous system?
Then this is the workshop for you!
Come and enter a beautiful, calm atmosphere where you can relax, release any tension and tiredness, release worries and be nourished and nurtured.
It can be tough getting through the British Winter. By the end of February, energy reserves are often low and the immune system has taken a battering with coughs, colds and flu. Perhaps you are feeling the strain and lacking a bit of oomph and sparkle?
You are invited to join in this much needed uplifting Ayurveda workshop on enhancing “Ojas”. In Ayurveda Ojas means vigour. It is the vibrant, animating and energizing life force that nourishes and sustains all the tissues (dhatus) of the body. It is the vital essence responsible for the generation of heightened levels of physical and emotional health and wellbeing. Without it we feel lack-lustre, low on energy and our immune system can become depleted.
In this workshop we will harness the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda with simple yet highly effective practices, to strengthen your immune system, soothe your nervous system, raise your spirits, and elevate your outlook on life. Come and taste delicious immune boosting herbal teas and tonics, gain knowledge of immune building essential oils, and the use of culinary herbs and spices to keep your digestive system strong. You will be able to sail through the rest of Winter, feeling robust, resilient and happy!
Discover and learn about Ayurveda, including
Ojas tonics and foods and how they build foundational health,
Herbs and spices that support digestion to better absorb and assimilate nutrients,
Rasayanas - nutritional and herbal remedies known to deepen immune resilience and deter disease,
Essential oils to support the immune system and get over winters maladies more quickly.
Explore and Experience
Breathing techniques to soothe your nervous system and release stress
Calming yoga practice to restore body and mind,
Blissful sounds of Tibetan & Crystal singing bowls
This immersive workshop is open to all. It will particularly benefit anyone suffering with chronic fatigue, post-viral fatigue and long Covid, a depleted immune system and over-whelmed Nervous System. All are welcome to attend. The practices are suitable for all levels of experience.
This workshop offers a unique blend of herbal knowledge, essential oils, breath work, calming yoga practice and a healing sound bath.
​​Participants will receive a copy of the accompanying notes and a FREE Gift!
Emerge feeling lighter, brighter, rejuvenated and inspired
to use Ayurveda in your life.
Cacao Ceremony &
Sound Bath
A Journey through the Chakras
1st October & 26th November
at Yogahome 4.45pm - 6.45pm, £28.00

Come and join in a soulful journey that will uplift and free your spirit!
Connect to your true nature
“Bathe deeply in the ocean of sound
Vibrating within you, now as always
Resonating softly, permeating the space of the heart”
Sutra 15, The Radiance Sutras, Lorin Roche
Come and take part in a journey through the chakras. You will be guided by Flo in a cacao ceremony, breathwork, meditation and a sound bath with the Gong, Crystal and Himalayan Singing bowls. As you bathe in the transcendent and ethereal soundwaves, rest and relax deeply and emerge feeling calm, nourished and renewed on all levels of being.
The Chakra Energy System is a highly organised system that operates in the Pranamaya Kosha, or energy body, that receives, transmits and allows life force to flow. The energy is distributed and circulated via the nadis (energy channels) to all organs and systems of the body, mind and heart. This is where the health of our energetic, emotional, mental, psychological and spiritual being is integrated, expressed and reflected.
We can think about the movement of energy like the movement of water through water ways. If those channels are blocked the water becomes stagnant and stuck, we are more likely to feel stressed out, pushed to the limit, and this can reflect in negative ways of feeling and thinking, with low energy and poor health. If they are open, the water is liberated and can flow freely, then we feel vitalised and vibrant, we feel good and our emotions are balanced, and energy levels abundant.
Each chakra is a sphere of information, with qualities and characteristics relating to specific aspects of our growth and developmental. One of the ways to access this information is through meditation and reflection. We can tune in and tap into the inherent wisdom within and connect to their positive attributes.
The healing effects of cacao and the application of soundwaves connect with the electro-magnetic forces of the body, for a profound therapeutic effect that soothes, calms, relaxes, and resets the nervous and energy system. Repair, healing and replenishment of the body can only take place when we are in a state of rest and relaxation.
It is the perfect antidote to stress, worry, lack of energy and sleep problems, all of which can diminish the levels of energy we experience.
The intention of this event is to relax, harmonise and balance our energy, increase vitality and feel a heightened sense of wellbeing.
What to expect:
We will begin with breathwork, to help release any stagnant energy, clear and settle the mind in preparation for the cacao ceremony, meditation and sound bath.
We will sip on ceremonial Cacao to facilitate the opening of the portal to the heart space, so we can access the deeper dimensions of healing potential. The heart is considered to be the bridge between the lower and higher chakras. Cacao is described as a superfood with over 40 antioxidants and minerals, which will nourish and increase the ojas (life force) of the body. It enables the heart to resonate in a more expansive way, that helps to increase the connection between all the chakras.
We will engage in a chakra meditation to get to know and tap into the positive qualities of each one.
Relax in a sound bath and bathe in the ethereal sounds of the crystal singing bowls and the deep earthy tones of the gong and Himalayan bowls.
What to bring
Wear comfortable clothing
Bring extra layers to be warm as you lay down for the sound bath
Option to being cushion and extra blanket for extra comfort
Water to drink
The benefits of cacao, meditation and sound healing
Helps to release stored tension and stress
Reduces anxiety, irritation and anger
Helps to reset the nervous system to “relax, rest and digest” state of being
Balances the immune system
Helps to calm over-active adrenals
Can help release pain
Instils a sense of deep peace and calm
Can help give mental and emotional clarity
About the Cacao Ceremony
Raw ceremonial cacao is used in the ceremony. It is raw chocolate made from cacao beans that are untampered and unadulterated. Known as “the food of the Gods”, it is used in ceremony in many indigenous cultures. It is considered to be a superfood containing over 40 anti-oxidants and minerals. Prepared with water, oat milk and maple syrup, it is suitable for vegans. Cacao is conducive to meditation, as it has heart-expanding qualities that help to connect to our intuition and to receive inner guidance.
Sound Bathing
Bathing in sound is an immersive experience that soothes and calms the mind on a deep level and is found to be valuable for releasing stress. Some people go on a sound journey and feel taken to a deep place of peace. Others experience physical sensations of tingling, release of blocked or stuck energy, or the release of physical tension and pain. The sounds can bring visions or can be a very visual experience, or help to connect to inner wisdom and the inner resourcefulness of intuition. The soundwaves can help clear the mind, for a sense of lightness of being that is full of ease and tranquility. Each person's experience can vary and is unique.
Coming together with cacao and sound healing helps our energy fields to harmonise and raise our vibration, through what is known as “resonant entrainment”, with calm, peace and happiness.
The other-worldly, ethereal notes of the crystal bowls have a wonderful way of transcending tension, that will lighten and uplift your mood, while the metal Himalayan singing bowls bring a grounding quality to keep us earthed and connected to the present moment.
This event is suitable for all experiences. Tea will be served at the end to gently ease you back ground you.